Inkle Looms Ashford
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Ashford Inkle Loom An inkle loom is designed for weaving long narrow items such as braids, straps, belts, wristbands and edging trims. The Ashford inkle loom is a table-top model with a maximum weaving width of 10 cm (4”) and can take a warp as long as 3.5 m (11’5”). The mini version, the “Inklette”, is ultra-portable, weighing a little over half a kilo, with a weaving width of 5 cm (2”) and a wea…
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Ashford Inklette loom The mini version, the “Inklette”, is ultra-portable, weighing a little over half a kilo, with a weaving width of 5 cm (2”) and a weaving length of 1.8 m (72”) Features Portable Strong design for high tension warps Tension adjustment Beautiful beech hardwood timber finish natural assembly required warp length 1.8m (70") included accessories - stick shuttle 15cm (6") - step-by-…